
CMR.parameter_sweep(data, group_param, subj_param, sweep_param, param_def, patterns=None, n_rep=1)#

Simulate data with varying parameters.

  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – Data to guide simulation. Must include a ‘subject’ column. May include dummy recall events if there is a dynamic recall parameter.

  • group_param (dict of (str: float)) – Values of parameters that apply to all subjects.

  • subj_param (dict of (str: dict of (str: float))) – Parameters that vary by subject, indexed by subject.

  • sweep_param (dict of (str: numpy.ndarray)) – Parameter values to sweep over.

  • param_def (cymr.parameters.Parameters, optional) – Parameter definitions.

  • patterns (dict of (str: dict of (str: numpy.array)), optional) – Patterns to use in the model.

  • n_rep (int) – Number of times to repeat the simulation for each subject.


results – Simulated data for each combination of sweep parameters.

Return type:
