

The code is divided into three levels:


The low-level network code represents layers and connection weights as Numpy arrays. It also defines operations (generally written in Cython for speed) on the network, such as studying an item or simulating free recall.


Multiple models can be defined using the same network code. A model is defined in terms of likelihood calculation and/or simulation. Each model defines a set of parameters that affect the behavior of that model.


Defines a set of models to consider in the context of a project. Multiple models may be considered and compared in their ability to fit a dataset.

The cymr package defines the network and model levels. It also includes infrastructure to help with implementing model frameworks. The cmr_cfr package is an example of implementing a framework.

Defining a model#

Models should inherit from, which defines high-level methods for fitting data and generating simulated data. The Recall class also includes methods for running a simple parameter recovery test and for running diagnostic parameter sweeps to check how model simulations change when parameters are varied.

Preparing data for simulation#

For any model, you must define a method called prepare_sim, which converts a Psifr DataFrame into list-format data. List-format data splits data into study and recall phases. Each phase has a dictionary with entries for different information about each trial; for example, the input position of each item or the index of each item in the stimulus pool. Each entry in the dictionary should contain a list of Numpy arrays, giving the data for each trial within each list in the experiment. A simple implementation of prepare_sim may just call, which converts standard input and item_index columns to list format.

All of the information needed to run a simulation or evaluate likelihood must be included by prepare_sim. For example, one model might only use the serial position of each item, while other models might also take item identity into account.

Evaluating likelihood#

To support maximum-likelihood estimation of model parameters, the model class must implement a likelihood_subject method that takes in data for one subject (in Psifr format) and a set of parameter values and returns log likelihood of the data under the model with those parameters.

Generating simulated data#

To support generation of simulated data, the model class must implement a generate_subject method that takes information about the experiment to simulate (in Psifr format) and returns a list of recalled items for each free recall list.